Welcome to the Organic Monkey blog.

Organic Monkey is a brand new range of organic, Fairtrade skincare created specifically for babies delicate and sensitive skin.
All of our skin care products are handmade using organic and Fairtrade ingredients to ensure a natural, pure collection to soothe your little monkeys skin.

Here we will keep you updated on our news and any new products we launch.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday 4 October 2010


We welcomed our beautiful son, Cassius Alexander, into the world on Tuesday 7th September, weighing in at a healthy 8lbs 14oz. He didn't hang around either, labour lasted 2.5 hours from waters breaking to his birth so just pleased Daddy was working from home as would have missed the whole thing if he had had to commute back from London. We were all home and tucked up in bed 6 hours later, very different to Forrest's birth, thank goodness.

The first few weeks have been a bit of a blur of happiness, tiredness, hormonalness and trying to keep Organic Monkey running. I must be mad launching a business whilst heavily pregnant but at least it has kept me occupied and busy and it is all starting to pay off with the Twickenham Baby Show and the Fairtrade Press Day being hugely successful, receiving more fantastic reviews and testimonials and generating numerous enquiries and orders from new stockists. Exciting stuff!!

Forrest is slowly adjusting to life with a sibling although for the first couple of weeks I know he was wondering when this 'noisy baby' would be going again. He has certainly found it challenging and he has been more sensitive and demanding of our attention as a result but its important not to underestimate how much his little life has changed with another little man taking attention away from him. Thankfully Cassius is like his brother in character; content and relaxed, sleeping and feeding well although slightly more sickie than Forrest was. Cassius projectile vomited his milk up just as I was leaving the house last Friday so had to meet friends in the park with a crusty, damp patch on my jumper and smelling slightly rancid! Nice!

Tomorrow is D-day, Daddy is going back to work so I am on my own. I have no idea how I will cope, how I will manage to make it out of the house with 2 children to organise, trying to time feeds and nappy changes with military precision, how I will deal with Forrest's bath and bedtime routines when they coincide with Cassius' cluster feeding frenzy which seems to happen between 4 and 7pm. I am sure I will find a way and will be in a routine soon enough but it is still a daunting prospect, lets just hope for a good (as good as it can be with a demand fed baby) nights sleep tonight.

I feel my consumption of coffee, cake and chocolate might hit new heights over the next few days!!!

Wish me luck!

Organic Monkey's Managing Director

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